Dimple Creation in the Philippines

Dimple Creation - Dimpleplasty

What is Dimple Creation?

A dimpleplasty (dimple creation) is a type of cosmetic surgery used to create dimples on the cheeks. Dimples are the indentations that occur when some people smile. They’re most often located on the bottoms of the cheeks. Some people may also have chin dimples.

Not everyone is born with this facial trait. In some people, dimples are naturally occurring from indentations in the dermis caused by the deeper facial muscles. Others may be caused by the injury.

Regardless of their causes, dimples are regarded by some cultures as a sign of beauty, good luck, and even fortune. Due to such perceived benefits, the number of dimple surgeries has increased significantly in recent years.

Candidates for Dimple Creation

During your dimpleplasty be prepared to discuss:


  • Your surgical goals
  • Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and recreational drug use (including steroids)
  • Previous surgeries


Your surgeon may also:


  • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
  • Take photographs for your medical records
  • Discuss your options
  • Discuss likely outcomes of chin surgery correction and any risks or potential complications
  • Discuss the use of anesthesia during your procedure


The consultation is the time to ask your surgeon questions.

It’s very important to understand all aspects of your surgical procedure. It’s natural to feel some anxiety, whether it’s excitement for your anticipated new look or a bit of preoperative stress. Don’t be shy about discussing these feelings with your surgeon.


During your dimpleplasty be prepared to discuss:


  • Your surgical goals
  • Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and recreational drug use (including steroids)
  • Previous surgeries


Your surgeon may also:


  • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
  • Take photographs for your medical records
  • Discuss your options
  • Discuss likely outcomes of chin surgery correction and any risks or potential complications
  • Discuss the use of anesthesia during your procedure


The consultation is the time to ask your surgeon questions. It’s very important to understand all aspects of your surgical procedure. It’s natural to feel some anxiety, whether it’s excitement for your anticipated new look or a bit of preoperative stress. Don’t be shy about discussing these feelings with your surgeon.

Risks and Safety

Complications from a dimpleplasty are relatively rare. However, the possible risks may be serious if they do occur. Some of the possible complications include:


  • bleeding at the site of surgery
  • facial nerve damage
  • redness and swelling
  • infection
  • scarring


When considering dimpleplasty, you’ll want to find an experienced surgeon.

Once you’ve found a reputable surgeon, make an initial appointment with them. Here, you can discuss the risks versus benefits of dimple surgery. They can also determine whether you’re a good candidate for plastic surgery. Finally, you’ll figure out where the dimples should be placed.


A dimpleplasty is performed on an outpatient basis. This means you can get the procedure done at your surgeon’s office without having to go to the hospital. You may also not need to be put under general anesthesia.

First, your doctor will apply a topical anesthetic, such as lidocaine, to the area of skin. This helps to ensure you don’t experience any pain or discomfort during the surgery. It takes about 10 minutes for the anesthetic to take effect.

Your doctor then uses a small biopsy instrument to make a hole in your skin to manually create a dimple. A small amount of muscle and fat is removed to aid in this creation. The area is about 2 to 3 millimeters in length.

Once your doctor creates the space for the future dimple, they then position a suture (sling) from one side of the cheek muscle to the other. The sling is then tied to set the dimple permanently in place.


Recovery from dimpleplasty is relatively straightforward. You don’t need to stay in the clinic. In fact, you can usually go home immediately after the surgery. Soon after the procedure, you might experience mild swelling. You can apply cold packs to reduce swelling, but it will usually go away on its own within a few days.

Most people can return to work, school, and other regular activities two days after having a dimpleplasty. Your surgeon will likely want to see you a couple of weeks after the procedure to assess the results.


What to Expect in Dimple Creation


For up to a few weeks, these dimples will be apparent all the time, even when you are not smiling. As the skin heals and the absorbable suture is replaced by scar tissue, the dimples will begin to look softer and even more natural.

Before and After Pictures